Rocky B.
(Verified buyer)
Taco Spice
Great flavor, get the larger size. Why? You'll want more.
George B.
(Verified buyer)
Taco Seasoning
This is the best Taco Seasoning I have ever had. I use it about twice a month to make salsa.
Timothy C.
(Verified buyer)
Great basic taco seasoning
Being from Texas, this is a great base taco seasoning. I added my own blend of chili powder & more cumin to give it more kick. But still a great product, would recommend everyone give it a try!
John F.
(Verified buyer)
Very good blend
I would make it myself , but since the cost is about same why bother .
Lisa P.
(Verified buyer)
Although there are many 'make-it-yourself' taco seasoning blend recipes on the internet-I'm all about saving time without sacrificing quality. I stopped buying the envelopes of Taco Seasoning from the stores years ago, manly because most include MSG and God knows what other kind of chemicals and fillers. However with a Hispanic-food loving family, the convienience of those envelopes can't be denied and it left a void in many a recipe I have that calls for this blend. On a whim I bought a little bag of this to try. HOLY TACOS IS THIS GOOD!!!!! While we live in town highly dotted with authentic Mexican taco stands, for the "American Taco"-THIS IS THE SPICE. We bought a box of the hard shelled-corn tacos, browned ground beef as directed here in the spice description. We served with diced tomatoes, onions, lettuce and cheddar cheese, with a little dollop of sour cream and Mexican hot sauce. WOW. We couldn't get enough and that same week made a Taco Salad with this spice as well. I wouldn't recommend it for the traditional Taco (soft shelled with meat, onion and cilantro) but for the Americanized (or maybe it is Tex Mex) this is your 'go-to'. You really won't ever buy the envelope again, or even bother making your own version, this is the perfect Taco blend. Reminds me I need to get more!
Janice O.
(Verified buyer)
Really good!
This taco seasoning is slightly stronger than the packages you get at the grocery store and that is a good thing. It actually has taste and is not bland.
(Verified buyer)
Taco Seasoning
My wife won't eat anything else!
(Verified buyer)
Taco Seasoning
Salt is totally unnecessary and this product proves it!
(Verified buyer)
Taco Seasoning
Great flavor and no salt. EXCELLENT
(Verified buyer)
Taco Seasoning
Your whole kitchen smells just yummy.... Do not let the lack of salt scare you.. You never miss it with this blend .. EXCELLENT