4.7 out of 5
19 total ratings.

steve c. (Verified buyer) 04/09/2018
cardamom one of the most expensive spices in the world (behind saffron) cardamom (sometimes cardamon) is a sweetly aromatic seed that aids digestion & circulation, controls cholesterol & cures UTIs. I brew it in my coffee & after a month I notice the mesh basket that was previously caked with residue is now noticeably cleaner. Presumably my pipes are responding the same way!

Rathen (Verified buyer) 11/29/2016
Cardamom Seed Powder I need a reliable vendor for my ingredients. Spices, Inc. is that vendor. I use Cardamom Seed Powder in several of my creations including a best seller Chai Tea Mix. Thank you Spices, Inc.

Lyndan (Verified buyer) 04/26/2016
Cardamom Seed Powder I also add it to my cassia/henna mix to mask the odor. This powder "cures" just about everything.

Georgia (Verified buyer) 02/11/2016
Cardamom Seed Powder Cardamom Seed Powder

Anonymous (Verified buyer) 02/21/2015
Cardamom Seed Powder I put it on my yogurt and in my coffee in addition to the Indian recipes I'm experimenting with.

Marnie (Verified buyer) 06/11/2013
Cardamom Seed Powder Love having it ground.

Melissa K. (Verified buyer) 03/22/2011
Cardamom Seed Powder Cardamom Seed Powder. I have used it in both sweet and savory dishes with much success. It imparts a delicate lemony flavor with it's own distinctive taste. The quality of the Cardamom Seed Powder is excellent! The Cardamom Seed Powder is also convenient, as so many recipes called for the ground seed, so it saves you the time of grinding the seeds to powder. Try it in your Chai Tea for an exotic, fruity taste!
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