Cheryl M.
(Verified buyer)
Pennsylvania Pepper Packs a Punch!
My son-in-law makes delicious hamburgers, so when my daughter and her family were visiting, we asked him to make some. Come to find out, his secret to great burgers is seasoning them with Pennsylvania Pepper! So we ordered some right away, and it arrived by the weekend . . . just in time for our grill night! Yum!
Marcia W.
(Verified buyer)
Leon G.
(Verified buyer)
I am hooked on this!
I am hooked on this! Must be the combo of other spices with pepper but using regular pepper (ground) comes up a tad short...or, so it seems.
Wayne E.
(Verified buyer)
Substitute for black pepper
I've used this in every type of dish, from soups to steak.
It is a great way to get a different flavor from the same old meals.
It is a must try seasoning, I was impressed with it.
Chrystal M.
(Verified buyer)
This pepper is so flavorful.
This pepper is so flavorful. My favorite thing to put it on is fried potatoes. I like it best just sprinkled on top as opposed to cooked in. That way you get the full flavor of it first. Hats off to you for developing this totally wonderful product.
Jon D.
(Verified buyer)
Kitchen Staple
Spices Inc. included a sample of this in my first purchase from them. I was immediately taken with it and have bought it ever since in the 1 lbs. bags. This past Christmas I gave some to both my sons-in-law. Honestly, even though I was using a pepper mill for fresh ground pepper when I used pepper, since then this has been pretty much the only pepper I use, even in most recipes.
Charlene D.
(Verified buyer)
Received as a sample and
Received as a sample and immediately ordered more. Adds another level of flavor to anything. I use in place of regular black pepper.
Carrie B.
(Verified buyer)
Love it!
Love it!
Carol N.
(Verified buyer)
I have been having to
I have been having to give small amounts of this seasoning to friends that have tasted it in our cooking. They love it. We do too.
Michael S.
(Verified buyer)
5 stars
We are a pepper family and used this in meatloaf yesterday and it was great! I sub most pepper for this mix.