Bob D.
(Verified buyer)
spices is where the good
spices is where the good stuff is !!
(Verified buyer)
Korean Chili Flakes
WHAT A FIND!! Use it in small amounts for a little bite here and there.
(Verified buyer)
Korean Chili Flakes
Came quickly, very fresh. I've already made some Kimchi with this and it came out great. It is spicy so do some taste tests. After 5 days in the frig. its really taken on the Kimchi flavor and I and the wife are really enjoying it. i recommend and I'll buy again. This is the real Kimchi powder not the stuff from China!
(Verified buyer)
Korean Chili Flakes
This is not for you. I like a mild hot Kimchi that compliments the food. I make Kimchi for the health benefits that it gives my family. Not as a condiment to burn the taste buds off my tongue. When I ran out of this company's Korean Chili Flakes, I bought another offered at my local store. It did not hold a light to the flavor of the one offered by Spices Inc.
(Verified buyer)
Korean Chili Flakes
And this makes great stuff! I use more for more heat, as I know it is a different pepper than Habanero.
Amy M.
(Verified buyer)
Comparable in heat and flavor to korean chile flakes I get at asian markets in SF bay area. Flakes are smaller than I expected-wish you sold the larger flakes and slices.
Salvador A.
(Verified buyer)
Great pure flavor
Great pure flavor
John D.
(Verified buyer)
All aggressive heat, little flavor.
Before Korean Chile fans take offense, understand that I taste every new chile by putting a healthy pinch directly on my tongue (try it yourself!). I have done that with dozens of different chiles looking for distinctive new flavors to use in my cooking, especially those chile with low to moderate heat, so I can use them in sufficient amounts to let their unique flavors add to a dishes flavor profile, so no, Habaneros aren't a fave (though I often sneak a tiny bit of plain old flavorless Cayenne into some savory sauces to open up the taste buds without adding perceptible heat, as a natural taste stimulant).
The Korean Chiles are NOT for my style of cooking. They are to aggressively all about raw heat that fills the mouth and lingers for a long time. Their heat overwhelms any flavor (which was pretty much undetectable) and their coarse grind yields an unpleasantly gritty mouth feel.
I'll be using my 1Lb bag in my garden to keep rabbits ans squirrels from eating my vegetables (mix with food safe liquid soap and apply directly to plants).
Korean Chili Flakes
Follow-up on my review of 9-27-17. Correction on Origin of this product, apparently its from China and NOT Korea.
Korean Chili Flakes
I've had kimchi made by my Korean co-workers and it is SPICEY but the kimchi I made with this powder is a pale imitation. I was too embarrassed to share it with my co-workers. What a disappointment!