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Mexican Chiles

  • Ancho Chile
    Ancho Chile
    Ancho Chiles (AHN-cho), Capsicum annuum, are mild chiles that measure 500-1,500 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).
    (67 reviews)
  • Ancho Chile Flakes
    Ancho Chile Flakes
    Ancho Chile Flakes, Capsicum annuum, measure 500-1,500 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).  They are also known as ancho chili flakes, dried ancho flakes, or dried ancho chile flakes.
    (2 reviews)
  • Cascabel Chiles
    Cascabel Chiles
    Cascabel Chile (KAS-ka-bel), Capsicum annuum, are mild chiles and measure 1,500-2,500 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).
    (21 reviews)
  • Chipotle Meco Chiles
    Chipotle Meco Chiles
    Chipotle Meco Chiles, Capsicum annuum, are mild-to-medium heat chiles that measure 2,500-10,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).
    (31 reviews)
  • Chipotle Morita Chiles
    Chipotle Morita Chiles
    Chipotle Morita chiles, Capsicum annuum, deliver medium heat and measure 2,500-10,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).
    (29 reviews)
  • Guajillo Chile
    Guajillo Chile
    Guajillo Chiles (gwa-HEE-yo), Capsicum annuum, measure 2,500-5,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU). They are the dried version of the Mirasol chile.
    (43 reviews)
  • Habanero Chiles
    Habanero Chiles
    Habanero (ha-ba-NEH-ro) Chiles, Capsicum chinense, are intensely hot chile peppers that measure  100,000-350,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).
    (17 reviews)
  • Japones Chiles
    Japones Chiles
    Japones Peppers (pronounced ha-po-NAYS), Capsicum annum, are hot chiles that deliver 15,000-30,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).
    (16 reviews)
  • Mulato Chiles
    Mulato Chiles
    Mulato Chiles, Capsicum annuum, measure 1,000-1,500 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).
    (28 reviews)
  • Organic Chipotle Morita Chiles
    Organic Chipotle Morita Chiles
    Organic Chipotle Morita Chiles, Capsicum annuum, are hot chiles that measure 15,000-35,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).
    (10 reviews)
  • Organic Habanero Chile Powder
    Organic Habanero Chile Powder
    Organic Habanero Chile Powder, Capsicum chinense, is a crazy hot chile powder that measures 150,000-300,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).
    (6 reviews)
  • Pasilla de Oaxaca Chiles
    Pasilla de Oaxaca Chiles
    Pasilla de Oaxaca Chiles, Capsicum annuum, are hot chiles that measure 15,000-25,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).
    (36 reviews)
  • Pasilla Negro Chile Powder
    Pasilla Negro Chile Powder
    Pasilla Negro Chile Powder, Capsicum annuum, also sometimes called pasilla chili powder, pasilla chile powder or chile negro powder, is the dried form of the chilaca chil
    (24 reviews)
  • Pasilla Negro Chiles
    Pasilla Negro Chiles
    Pasilla Negro Chiles (pronounced "pah-SEE-yah"), Capsicum annuum, are also referred to as chile negro, chile pasilla, pasilla negro or pasilla pepper.
    (30 reviews)
  • Pequin Chiles
    Pequin Chiles
    Pequin Chiles (puh-KEEN), Capsicum annuum, are hot chiles that measure 30,000-60,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).
    (9 reviews)
  • Puya Chiles
    Puya Chiles
    Puya Chiles (PU-yah), Capsicum annuum, are medium-heat chiles measuring 5,000 – 8,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).
    (12 reviews)


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