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Turkey often presents a bit of a dilemma. It is a food filled with nostalgic, even iconic holiday sentiment, but it can be kind of dry and difficult to season. Turkey is often grouped together with chicken, since their lean breast meats resemble one another in texture and flavor. Turkey has richer dark meat with a more pronounced flavor, though, and it can stand up to a pungent array of flavors. These seasonings work with all forms of turkey, from a holiday roast to “pulled pork” turkey legs, to a casual, mid-week turkey burger.

  • 18 Spice Chicken Rub
    18 Spice Chicken Rub
    18 Spice Chicken Rub is a blend of eighteen spices with flavors ranging from sweet, to mild heat, to an unexpectedly fruity finish.
    (26 reviews)
  • Enchilada Seasoning
    Enchilada Seasoning
    Enchilada Seasoning is an MSG-free seasoning blend that is also known as enchilada spice blend, enchiladas seasoning, or enchiladas spice mix.
    (15 reviews)
  • Merken Spice
    Merken Spice
    Merken Spice (pronounced “mer-KEN"), is an MSG-free, chile-centric seasoning blend.
    (13 reviews)
  • Mexican Mole Powder
    Mexican Mole Powder
    Mexican Mole Powder (pronounced “mo-lay"), is also called mole seasoning, mole spice, or mole spice mix.
    (18 reviews)
  • North Carolina BBQ Rub
    North Carolina BBQ Rub
    Warm and toasty North Carolina BBQ Rub has a rich chile pepper base and a great balance of aromatics and spices.
    (15 reviews)
  • Poultry Seasoning
    Poultry Seasoning
    Poultry Seasoning is a salt-free, MSG-free seasoning blend. It is also called poultry rub or chicken spice. 
    (26 reviews)
  • Turkey Brine Seasoning
    Turkey Brine Seasoning
    Turkey Brine Seasoning is an MSG-free, salty-sweet blend that’s made from turkey-friendly spices and herbs.
    (45 reviews)
  • Turkish Kofte Seasoning
    Turkish Kofte Seasoning
    Turkish Kofte Seasoning is a salt-free, MSG-free blend that has is popular from the Middle East to India.
    (7 reviews)


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