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Pickled Blueberries

Pickled Blueberries
Pickled Blueberries

Pickled blueberries probably sound funny since you may associate pickling with things like cucumbers or eggs. Yes, there is vinegar in this recipe, but the sweet taste of the blueberries still manages to come through quite nicely. These berries are a perfect combination of both sweet and tangy, making them an excellent partner for savory foods like cheese dishes or as a snack with other fruits and nuts.

White balsamic vinegar is what Jeff used for our pickled blueberries, but you could use red wine vinegar if that’s your thing. Experiment with different vinegars to get different flavors from your pickling adventures and see what you like best! Spice sachets are easy to make, and they’re necessary in plenty of pickling recipes. Just gather your spices up in the middle of a small cheesecloth and tie them up with a piece of kitchen twine.

Serve with a soft cheese such as goat over bread and enjoy as a delicious appetizer or afternoon snack. These interesting little berries are great with cheesecake, danish of any sort, or even a soft, buttery bread. Our taste cheese testers enjoyed them on goat cheese and bread. The best part about these berries must be the reaction. When Jeff said, “we are making pickled blueberries!” everyone sort of made a face, but after they tried the berries, pleasant surprise spread over their faces. Canning is optional, but you might not get around to it after you’ve caught yourself eating these berries by the handful.

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Prep Time: 10 min.
Cooking Time: 35 min.
  1. Make a sachet. Using a piece of cheesecloth approximately 8 inch by 8, place the Ceylon sticks, allspice berries, and cloves in the center of the cheesecloth. Gather the edges and secure with kitchen twine.
  2. In a large saucepan or pot over medium heat, place the sachet in and add the vinegar. Bring to a simmer and cook for 5 minutes. Do not over handle the berries. Do not stir. Simply give the pot a shake to help the berries heat through. Remove from heat, and let sit covered at room temperature for 8 hours.
  3. Place a colander on top of a bowl. Remove sachet, and gently pour berries and juice into colander and let drain. Place liquid in a small pot, and bring to a boil. Stir in ½ cup brown sugar, and ½ cup Demerara sugar and whisk until dissolved. Remove from heat.
  4. In this step, there are 2 options. You may can the berries, or you can just place them in a bowl with the liquid if you’re planning on eating them right away. If canning, simply follow normal canning intructions.


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