Salsa Macha

Salsa Macha is, perhaps, the easiest salsa you’ll ever make. All you need are equal proportions of the seasoning blend and some hot oil, balanced out with a bit of cider vinegar. You only have to wait for it to get cool enough to eat, and it doesn’t even require refrigeration.
If you want to add a little variety to this blend feel free to add in chopped oranges with the juice, or some mangoes, after the sauce has been blended. The fruity brightness will add even more contrast to this blend but be aware that the addition of fruit means you’ll have to store the salsa in the refrigerator.
1/2 cup Salsa Macha Mix
1/2 cup olive oil
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1. Put Salsa Macha Mix in a heat-proof bowl.
2. Pour olive oil into a pan and heat over medium heat until the surface is rippling. Don’t let the oil start to bubble or boil since that will scorch the ingredients. If it does get too hot, pull the oil off the heat and let it cool for a few minutes.
3. Pour hot oil over the salsa and stir until it is fully combined. Set aside for at least half an hour, so the oil can cool and the flavors can mingle.
4. Put salsa into a blender and briefly blend—you still want some chunkiness.
5. Pour back into a bowl and stir in apple cider vinegar.
6. Serve!