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Roasted Caramelized Acorn Squash with Dukkah

Roasted Caramelized Acorn Squash with Dukkah
Roasted Caramelized Acorn Squash with Dukkah

This recipe is a take on kaddo bourani (or kado bowrani, or borani kado), an Afghan dish that features sweet winter squash, baked in sugar and spices until it is transcendently sweet and rich. It’s served with an easy-to-make yogurt sauce flavored with garlic and mint. 

We dialed back the amount of sugar that is usually asked for in this dish and replaced it with granulated molasses to give a bit more depth to the sweetness. This dish can be made with any kind of winter squash you like. We used acorn squash because it can be found practically all year round, and it doesn’t have to be peeled. If you choose to use a squash that you can peel then the squash may become even more silky during cooking. We traded a little bit of texture for a lot more ease.

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Prep Time: 20 min.
Cooking Time: 70 min.
Servings: 4
Cooking Method: Roasting
Cuisine: Middle Eastern

1, 1 1/2 pound acorn squash, washed and unpeeled 
2 Tablespoons olive oil 
2 Tablespoons Dukkah 
2 Tablespoons Granulated Molasses 
8 ounces plain Greek yogurt 
1 garlic clove, finely minced 
1 teaspoon Dried Mint 
1-2 teaspoons olive oil 
Water, as needed


1. Preheat oven to 350°F.

2. Prepare acorn squash. Cut it in half and remove the stem, seeds, and fibers. Then cut each half into thick strips and finally into chunks that are approximately 2 inches square. 

3. Toss cut acorn squash with olive oil and Dukkah. Lay out in an even layer on a baking sheet, with the rind facing down and the inside of the squash facing up. Sprinkle Granulated Molasses across the tops of the acorn squash.

4. Cover pan with foil or a lid and place in the oven. Check after 30 minutes; depending on the size of the squash it may need another 30-40 minutes. It is done when the granulated molasses has melted onto the tops of the squash and a knife can pierce the squash and meet absolutely no resistance.

5. While the squash cooks, make the yogurt. Scoop yogurt into a mixing bowl. Mince garlic or grate it directly into the yogurt with a fine grating tool or zester. Stir in Dried Mint and olive oil. Thin out with as much water as necessary to make it easy to drizzle.

6. When squash is done, lay out on a serving platter. Pour any sweet and savory pan juices over the squash. Drizzle yogurt sauce over the top of the squash, and toss with additional Dukkah if desired.


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